Thursday 20 September 2012

Mel, 17.

My friend Mel is funny, intelligent and naturally beautiful. I've been interested in devoting an article to her for quite a while and when I did eventually interview, I wasted time and procrastinated about putting it up. This will be her second appearance  on wewantshops (her debut being Aisha's article) and I hope this isn't her last, here is what she had to say...
How would you describe your style?
Quite casual. I dress for how I feel so it's usually quite simple.
Do you have any style icons?
Not really, I don't dress fashionably enough to have a 'style icon', but I do like how some people dress, for instance, Millie Mackintosh from Made in Chelsea, I think she dresses really nice.
Do you have any staple items of clothing?
These jeans! They're my Levi's that my dad bought me.
Are lables important to you?
Well, sort of because I really want a mulberry handbag and things like Chanel No.5 perfume and other classic items that I would love to own, but I don't really follow designers as such, like I wouldn't be able to point at a dress and be like "Oh my god, that's <insert big time designer>" 
Do people pay too much attention to lables?
Probably, there is a certain point where I think you can get over the top, but I can see the appeal of owning such famous items.
Do you think that fashion is a girly thing or does it appeal to both sexes?
I don't think so, this is gonna make me sound like such a twat, but before when I was little it was mainly for girls, but now it's completely different. Of course most of it is for women, but I wouldn't consider it a girly thing, it's become quite cool for a guy to be into fashion.
Do you have any shops that you always go to?
I don't really shop very much! I'm really bad at shopping and I just don't really do it. I'd rather just take my sisters old clothes. I do really like American Aparell, but I don't have enough money to shop there all the time. They do the exact sort of clothes that I like, just simple, staple items that you need in your wardrobe.
A lot of people say that American Aparell is overpriced, do you agree?
To be honest, I think I'm really bad when it comes to prices, because if it's more expensive, I kind of want it more because to me that just says it's good. The problem is that it's probably not any better than primark, but the price just automatically makes me think "this is a staple item" and I lust after it a bit more. Mind you, I don't buy that much from there because it is so expensive, but I suppose that makes it more desirable to me because you can only have a few things.
When it comes down to clothing, do you think people should buy more cheap clothes or buy less for more money?
Yeah, personally, I would buy less but more expensive. But it's so hard because when you see two similar items being sold at different prices, you know that the more expensive one of them has probably been made in a better way, but you just want to go and buy the cheaper one because you don't have the money at that exact time to buy the more expensive one.
Do you believe that your clothes can affect your popularity?
I would say it's less your clothes and more your actual style, but I suppose that it's more of your personality because you have to be a certain way to pull off a certain style. But altogether, yes, if you dress 'cooly' and on trend you're probably gonna get more friends because people want to dress like you.
Do you think your family life affects the way you dress or do you just decide by yourself?
I definitely think they played a part in it because they would never tell me what to wear. There are so many pictures of me from when I was like 5 where I'm wearing a leopard print top and neo leggings with my hair in a really massive top-knot. So I suppose that has affected me in a way because I still just wear what I want
Do you think that makeup is just as important as what you wear?
I think it depends on who you are, I have loads of friends who are considered to be some of the prettiest girls in our year and they don't really wear makeup. I suppose that because they've never really worn makeup they're more comfortable in their own skin and no one really notices if they are wearing makeup or not. But I also have other friends who heavily rely on makeup and are also considered to be some of the prettiest girls, but because they wear all this makeup they're kind of trapped in this loop where if they didn't wear makeup to school one day people's perception of them might totally change.
Reading over this interview I've had a lot to think over myself i.e the extensive amounts of money I waste on cheap clothing just because I don't have the will power to wait a little while to get something well made and altogether nicer. Another thing I really admire about Mel's style is her ability to not care. I would kill to be like that, the amount of bother I've been going through each morning trying to sort out something to wear for 6th form is ridiculous. What's even worse about that is the fact that I tend to go for the same sort of thing everyday, so it all just ends up being wasted time and either way I feel ridiculous whatever I wear. B.x

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