Saturday 1 September 2012


After what feels like a light year away from my keyboard I figured I should write about something which i'm quite...passionate(!?) about. Michael Alig and his club kids are one of my secret obsessions because lets be honest - i'm not going to go around telling people that I idolize transvestites and hardcore drug-use. I suppose the worst thing about this infatuation I have with club kids is probably the care-free way they seem to live, for instance take James St James (Renowned celebutante & first peg of Michael Alig's "ladder to fame" as implied in the film 'Party Monster: The Shockumentary') for the better half of his 20's his funds were supplied by his parents allowing him to go out and buy all the clothes/drugs he wanted which would eventually land him in the middle of something quite horrific.

For all you who haven't seen the film 'Party Monster' (Macaulay Culkin's best work yet) club kids secured themselves a position in modern history not through fashion or a certain type of culture, but by murder and lies. On Sunday March 1996 Michael Alig and Robert "Freeze" Riggs killed Angel Melendez after a huge row over drugs and cash. I guess when you tie yourself up into a world where you rely on drugs and booze it's inevitable that when something shit happens it just blows way out of proportion.

I decided to write an article about club kids when I realized that this kind of life has come back into the mainstream. Funnily enough, it doesn't make me feel any better or worse about  my little obsession, in fact I suppose you could say I'm worried. I'm worried for what the future generation of club kids may do. Luckily for me there is always the possibility that the revival of club kid culture is only a 3month craze and will soon be over.

Fashion wise - I get so much inspiration from club kids. It might not necessarily their get-up that really affects my style, but I totally agree 100% with the message they were giving with their style at the time. The huge leap the took out of the 'norm' could inspire the most conservative of people. Sure, at first glance they my look like attention-seekers but I don't really think that, that was all that they were trying to get from the huge publicity gained from. Without really knowing it at first they inspired thousands of people - including me. They have always shown creativity and a sense nonchalance to other people's opinions - not to mention I find all that fancy dress being weaved into evening wear dope, I don't know if I would feel particularly comfortable in the exact same style as the, but I would happily drag bits out of their groove.

I swear I'll write some more posts more regularly. Also - if you haven't watched either of the party monster films I highly recommend you do that asap. B.x 

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