Sunday 6 May 2012


Blouse - Charity shop
Jeans - Primark
Vans - Office

My friend Aisha is pretty, playful and a barrel of laughs! Her happy-go-lucky attitude shines through her relaxed style with a twinge of her prized 'Aisha spice', she certainly has a unique outlook on fashion. Here's her various ideas and opinions:

Tell me how you dress in three words?
Urban, chic and ummm.... vintage? I like my charity shops!

Are there any designers or celebrities that you take trends from?
It sounds a bit cheesy but I quite like Jessie J, I quite like what she wears. Like... some of the stuff at dutty is quite nice..

Ok, I know that you really like beyonce..

Do you think she looks better with her hair curly or straight?

Mel (she was with us at the cafe): What sort of question is that? 
I'm asking because Beyonce is mixed race..
She's black actually. 

Yeah she's black and she's in the public eye and she bleaches her skin and straightens her hair and  it's not very natural is it?
I definitely think she looks better with curly hair. Her curly hair is weng. 

Do you think she'd look better if she was more natural - if everyone was more natural? Or is a little make-up good?
I think make-up is good because it can boost your self confidence and it's fun.

Does it piss you off (because it pisses me off) that Beyonce bleaches her skin and straightens her hair? Because I find that it's a bit disrespectful and contradicts the message that I think she gives.
I think it's a shame because it's just what people want to see rather than what they need to see.

And do you think if she just decided to go for a really natural look one day everyone would start dressing naturally?
Mel:It's not like she's the queen.. 
She is the queen. I think it would help people explore their more natural side which I think is a bit better. Well not always but it's a bit more true to yourself rather than fake eyelashes. 

Is there anything that you wish you could change about the fashion industry?
I wish it wasn't so expensive! But I think there should be more support for models and women for accepting their bodies, whether being slim or curvy, because that's the way we are and we should support each other to feel more confident about our unique bodies

So what you're saying is that big designers need to get more natural looking women?

Ok - if you saw a size 16 girl modelling Chanel, How do you think that would go down with the public?
I think people would be really uncool about it, but they shouldn't. Obviously it's a bit of a shock because their not used to size 16 models.. Sometimes people can be quite hypocritical because they'll say "why do big girls wear tight skirts? they look fat" but then again why shouldn't they? They are just people! Any girl can wear what she wants! 

Do you try to keep on trend when you chose your outfit - or do you just wear what you want to wear?
I suppose I keep on trend a little bit but I need a little 'Aisha spice'

What is 'Aisha Spice'?

What do you add to an outfit to make 'Aisha spice'?
I like gold, like gold earrings and eyeshadow - but not like tacky. For instance, I think a little delicate chain could really make my outfit

 Being 15 -do you think that it's silly that some teenagers say that they're more stressed about their appearance rather than their grades?
That is absolute bullshit. People should be worrying about their damn GCSE's rather than what they wear. When you've got all your passes then you can worry about what you are wearing! I understand that everyone wants to look nice and be a bit more confident but trying to find that balance between what you are wearing and other stuff is important for your confidence as well I suppose.

Do you think that some young peoples clothes are offensive to others or should it not matter?
I think that people need to mature into their style. I think people can wear what they want really, but maybe it would be better to wait a bit to wear hot-pants.

Is it unfair that men view women in a different way depending on what they wear?
Well it shouldn't matter what you wear, but I think you should be careful because there are idiots out there that think all women in short skirts want sex. If we were living in a world where everyone was nice we wouldn't have to worry about that, but we're not so I think people should be a bit careful.

And finally - what are your favourite shops or designers?
I like Topshop, Charity shops, Dutty, Urban outfitters and I quite like little boutiques and things like that! 

Thank you Aisha!

*Dutty girl is a boutique in Bristol that has lots of vintage and one of a kind clothing.

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