Thursday 17 January 2013

Alice, 17

Shoes& (customized)dungarees- Ebay
Tshirt & coat - charity shop
One of the best things about these interviews is the fact that each time I stop recording what they have to say, I feel like I've made a new friend, something I love to do. Alice was someone that I wanted to interview from the first time I saw her, but from previous experience, I understand that it is a bit odd when a strangers asks to take photos of you and then ask you a load of questions and now it's great because I have a new friend and really good interview!

How would you describe your style?
Hmmm.... I don't know. Sometimes it's really childish, like sometimes I dress like a ten year-old like, a lot of the time. But most of the time it's just comfy.
..The way it should be. Do you have any particular style icons?
Not particularly. Do you know Claire Boucher, Grimes? 
Yeah, some of her clothes are really nice, but then some of them are really crazy and she just looks like she has just taken a net and draped it around herself. But yeah, partly her.
Definitely. Your style is really cool and.. not really different but you've got your own style. Have you always been like this or would you say it's come with age?
I would like to say that's it's a coming of age thing but it's not really, because I can always remember in like year 7 being like "guys, guys I don't have any jeans" and then everyone would be like "what do you wear?!", so I would just go around in corduroys. It was a bad time. 
But corduroys are cool! I have a pair now and they're my funnest trousers I think..
But are they corduroy flares? 
No, but I did have a pair of purple ones..
I was all about the flares.. 
Exactly, but I did throw them out when I got into year 6. So, do you think that when you're younger (because I definitely do), you feel more like you have to dress in a certain way, then you do when you're older? Like in college, do you feel that because you wear your own clothes everyday you have to dress in particular way, or do you just wear what you want?
I think it definitely used to be like that, like in secondary school, because there was that whole thing about being part of a group and that like, if you wear certain things you can be a part of the group but if you don't you can't be in that group at all. But now I feel that it doesn't really have anything to do with what you wear, like in 6th form. I mean people still get impressions about you from what you wear, like if someone came in one day dressed as a marshmellow people would be like "weirdo, stay away"
It's funny now that weird clothes are becoming more trendy now so that could happen soon.. 
That's true. 
Do you have any idea of what could come next - fashion wise?
Not really, to be honest. I hope that it's big things, like baggy clothes. I like big clothes.
That's good - word on the street is baggy jeans are slowly making a comeback. Where do you get most of your clothes? They're all very cool..
Thank you! I guess a lot of the time it's like charity shops and jumble sales, because i'm a complete cheapskate. But I recently got a job and I don't know what to do with all this money, because it used to be that I couldn't afford to go into places like Zara or Topshop and I quite like them but I wouldn't buy much. It's still cool though to be able to walk around them and be like "yeah...I could buy that" and then just walk away. 
So do you think you're going to buy more highstreet clothes? Not that charity shops aren't highstreet!! 
Hahah! The low-end of the highstreet. Well, I don't know really because I find it strange that if it's in a highstreet shop then it's been approved by however many people and I think I heard one time that if you buy something from a highstreet shop there are gonna be about 200 people in the country that have the same thing at least. It obviously varies on shop, but I think that's slightly put me off, but it does depend what they've got really. 
What has been your favourite trend of 2012?
I'm not really sure about trends but I know that my favourite thing that I bought was my dungaree dress. I like how that makes me feel quite 10 year-old ish, but in a decent way. But trends wise i'm not really that sure. Mainly because I have a really bad memory. But one direction was annoyed me quite a bit, because all the boys would be in chinos and hoodies or topman jumpers with elbow patches. It's annoying because I quite like the patches it's just when it's a group of people and they're all wearing the same thing it's just like no, you're not one direction.

Like all interviews I do, I really did enjoy doing this one, so thank you Alice for letting me pester you with questions and you really do dress great. B.x 

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