Dress/Top - New look
Shorts - Made by Csenge |
Csenge and I walk to school together everyday and she always looks pretty first thing in the morning. Her sharp bob hangs loosely around her neck when we start the trek up St. Michael's hill (for all you that don't know Bristol - St.Mikes is crazy steep and really long) and she doesn't even get out of breath. I don't know if you can tell by the pictures, but Csenge is a dancer - I have to say -
Cseng has the moves. Seriously, she runs like an antelope, it's more of a glide than a run! Anyway, here's what she had to say about clothes and such things -
What are your favourite things to wear?
Well Dancing takes up a lot of my time so when I do get to go out, especially parties and stuff, I try and look nice but I'd just rather go out in like baggy tshirts and shorts.
Yeah same - Would you say that when you're dancing there is a particular uniform you have to wear or is it quite liberal?
Well before it used to be just wear something you can sweat into,but because I do training in Swindon now you have to wear footless tights and a leotard, all your hair has to be tied back. It can be really frustrating if say I have a ladder in my tights and I'm like "Oh no! What if they're going to chuck me out of the lesson?"
So could you turn up to a contemporary dance auditions in leggings and a tshirt?
No, you'd have to wear something tight that shows your muscles and how your body works, because that's what people are looking for in the audition and they want to see how your muscles work and how you use them. So if you turn up in something really baggy they just send you home
Because you're always in your dance clothes when you're dancing, do you think you've begun to just dress like that anyway?
Occasionally when I go out I'll tend to wear a dress that's a bit tight, but I'll wear my leotard underneath it because I don't want to look like a slut. But when I usually go out I tend to wear something different.
Do you have any fashion icons?
I always watch 90210 and there's this character silver that I do think I look up to and dress like her
Not to mention, you really look like her...
Yay!! She's definitely the person that I get fashion ideas from. But I try not to exactly copy her and keep my self original, so people can't really tell that I'm not trying to copy her
How would you describe your style in three words?
I'm not too sure because I'm not really vintage but I'm not really urban either... I don't really know, I haven't really thought about it.. oh! I never dress formally. It's quite hard to say, I don't really know.
You grew up in Hungary, would you say that there is a difference in style to over here ? Because I've noticed that in a lot of central European countries that the style is a lot more classic, whereas in England you can kind of wear what you want.
Well not really because, Hungary is a really remote country, I mean I don't think that many people know Hungary exists! And there isn't a lot of money back there so people tend to go for what they can afford really. I mean, when I look back at pictures of me and my old friends and I see what we were wearing, I can kind of see that fashion is important there but because there isn't as much money as there is here, you just try to be as fashionable as you can with the money that you have. So people just kind of go for Primark style clothes.
So would you say there is more pressure on being fashionable in England than in Hungary? And is that a good or a bad thing?
I think it's probably the same amount of pressure but the fashions are kind of different. But I think that altogether there is probably more pressure here because more people have more money, meaning that they can afford more things so it's more important to look nice. Say if you don't follow fashion people judge you right away without actually knowing you, you just end up being outcast if you don't dress 'nice'.
Since you've moved to England, Do you think the same way about fashion as you did in Hungary?
No, I think moving has definitely opened my eyes to fashion. It's like, when I moved from Hungary I thought that people wouldn't care how you dressed in England, which is kind of true because you can wear what you want but in your head you always have this idea of what impression you want to make. There's a lot more pressure than actually wearing what you want to wear.
What is your favourite shop?
Well, there's actually quite a lot! I really like urban outfitters and topshop. I don't really have a favourite shop, because there is so many kind of things that I like and I want all of my styles combined that I can't really find one particular shop that sells what I always want.
Finally, Do you think that in general people feel pressured to look like models/celebrities?
I think it depends on the person, because some people get really influenced by what they see on TV, probably more in our age group. Everyone has their little icon, that you kind of keep secret because then everyone might think you're just copying them. But I think people tend to be more influenced by each other and how their friends dress, rather than going all out and trying to be individual.
I'm always so interested in fashion in other countries and especially places in Europe because it is so close yet so culturally different in many ways. Interviewing Csenge answered all my questions and it was great talking to someone so into dance!
Anywho - must be off! B.x