Tuesday 1 November 2011

A note for consumerism

I understand that what I usually write isn't particularly anti-consumerist and I never really intended to start writing about it. It makes everyday people feel guilty when they realise what they do every day, how much they spend, what they spend it on, their morals.etc. The devastating part of this is that most people feel as if there is nothing they can do, but there is. The Occupy Movement is something that's happening all over the world right now. You've probably heard from the media that it's full of lazy bum's, People just looking for a fight & Drunks, but I urge you to block it out. I've visited Occupy London (St.Pauls cathedral) and everything I could see and hear exuded passion and energy, speakers were giving out messages that have needed too be heard for many years, people from all different backgrounds/lifestyles were happy too work together. It was inspiring. Luckily it's not only in metropolitan cities but in smaller places as well. So never feel as though you can't do anything because you're not in London or Tokyo, there is always something too be done. Where ever you are, embrace the 99% and donate your time too supporting the revolution. B.x

1 comment:

  1. I agree! This is such a huge movement that anyone in the world can participate in! xoxoxoo
