I always find my self writing about similar styles of stores - no doubt I love them all - but when it comes to something new, I become passionate about writing once again and I suppose this is why In The Eyes Of March appealed to me. Not only does she create beautiful accessories,hair falls and yarns but Chelsea's products are all built with care, something that you don't find everywhere. Reading over the interview, I was relieved to have gotten a reply from someone who had created something that had less to do with fashion and more to do with creating something, a piece of art rather than just a necklace. Anyways - you'll see what I mean when you read the interview...
Why did you start up an etsy store?
My whole life has been about creating and making things. I have jumped for one genre of art to the next and often times back again! But it was the Spinning Wheel and fiber art that took my heart by storm. My mother-in-law gave me my first spinning wheel in 2009, I taught myself to spin and could not stop. I made a couple dozen different yarns over the next year and my friends liked my work and kept pushing me to sell it. Of course, I thought I was a no talent hack, so I always shot down the idea. One of my best friends and fellow Etsy seller, finally convinced me. She told me all about Etsy and how it worked and how it is so much better for independent artists, like us! Independent Artist, huh? I never thought of myself as an artist before, but I was convinced. I had been buying from Etsy for years now, so why not start a shop!
What inspires you to create new pieces?
Inspiration comes from all of the places in life. Sometimes, it is the familiar words of a favorite old author, like Lewis Carroll, my greatest muse in life! I grew up with Carroll's stories and poems, the "Jabberwocky Hunts" in the backyard with Oompah (grandfather) were always my favorite. Sometimes inspiration comes from childhood toys, movies or books. My entire line of Lego Jewelry is based on my child hood. I love Lego's and when I was little my Dad and I used to build Lego Castles, Villages, and more. My Dad has since passed away, but making the jewelry allowed me to relive those memories and gave me and my inner child a chance to play once more with beloved toys! Stories and movies, are a great driving force in my life, and if the movie came from a novel then all the more better! If you really look at most of my products you will be able to see the hint of a book or a movie. As most people I am inspired by my religion, I am Pagan and often times my art takes on a magickal aspect. My line of Voodollz and some of Mermaid's Bayou Collection is centered in witchcraft and my religion. And perhaps, not lastly...being a Mermaid and living a life partly in the water, has given me a muse that few people have. To be immersed in water and just listen, feel, and see the world down there is amazing and if you can not find beauty there, you wont find it anywhere. I guess you could say, My World inspires.
Is etsy a great way to start out a fashion business?
Is etsy a great way to start out a fashion business?
I think Etsy is a great start for any independent artist, not just fashion. I didn't start out buying clothes on Etsy, it was the crochet patterns and fibers that I was after. But after learning the site and always getting awesome product from other sellers, I started buying clothes. I was never one for department store fashion and Etsy gave me what I wanted. Interesting clothes and unbelievable outfits, now whenever I need new cloths I go straight to Etsy!
Would you say that your personal style is similar to the pieces you create to sell?
Everything I create is a piece of me, a reflection of my personality, and glimpse into my heart. If I wouldn't wear it, I wouldn't make it. I started making my own hair falls, because no one else made them the way I wanted them made. I wear hair falls ALOT, they had to be full, durable and comfortable!!! Sometimes I will make something for just me and by the time I am done, I want to make more, so others can share in my creation. I am my Art and my Art is me. I wear my heart on my sleeve and if you know anything about me, you will be able to look at my art and see into my soul.
Do you have any particular fashion designers that you might get inspiration from?
No, I do not have TV, or read magazines, or have any clue about the current trends or designers. I just create things that bring me happiness and hope that they will bring joy to someone else!
How long does it take you to create one set of hair falls?
You see what I mean now? I truly believe that In The Eyes Of March has something more to offer than your everyday etsy store. My favourite item on the site has to be the glow in the dark Lego Lightsaber earrings, I think they're cool, fun and kind of perfect if you're a movie geek like me! Also - if you're like me and love having 'one-of-a-kinds' the Lego earrings are perfect because no two pairs are the same! I hope you've found this post as interesting as I did - you can find Chelsea's store if you click the link here - www.etsy.com/shop/InTheEyesofMarch - I highly recommend that you check it out. B.x
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