Sunday 25 December 2011


Seasons Greetings from Miffy the Cat!! 

Wished for a white christmas - didn't get a white christmas. 
I Know it's not very conventional to sit at the computer on christmas day but hey-ho we live in the 21st century. I thought I might take the time to say to everyone who's read or helped me along the way to making this blog what it is! I suppose in England we use christmas as a sort of thanksgiving - and I really mean it - thankyou so much. Merry Christmas! B. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday 20 December 2011

'People in the street inspire me...'


shoes - hand-me-down from brother  - fiftyfifty
legwarmers,leggings,skirt,scarf & hoodie - H&M
shirt - salvation army charity shop
belt - mothers - topshop
glasses - bvlgari
watch - heathrow airport 
16yr old GCSE student Jemima Homer, has a style that makes an empty room look like an Hawaiian paradise. Her adamant attitude to your regular LBD is inspiring, when I asked her what encouraged her to dress in such a way - she replied - "Definitely art, certain shops, fashion and generally people in the street, if I ever see anyone wearing something I like, I'll always tell them". It seems to me this outlook on life - always searching for colours and patterns - insures constant happiness. Proven by psychologists colour can effect the mood and I suppose staying away from dull shades such as grey and black  enlightens the world around you.
Whilst discussing her outfit she explained to me that she felt compelled to wear her pink shirt as it was new and then thought it was plain so she added the rest. I guess this style of dressing is a sign of confidence and not caring about what other people have to say, giving her the ability to clash of colours and patterns with elegance and poise. When I'm with Jemima - I feel like having fun. Like a lemon pencil skirt does to a white shirt Jemima adds a burst of colour to our mundane world. Absolutely exquisite!

Friday 2 December 2011


As most of you have probably imagined, I don't pay too much attention to designers/labels but when I was introduced to this particular designer (through another renowned blogger) I suddenly became besotted with her quirky styles and vintage themes. In her third year Charlotte Taylor is becoming rather well known in the fashion industry, with various pieces being seen on celebrities & known fashionistas. 
Inspired by Fishing, Bee keeping, Japanese art and culture, her new collection gives you the urge to be outdoors basking in the sun. One of the most interesting things about this collection is it's insight on her own love for vintage & eccentric boutiques filled with fashion and various other artefacts.
The input that her family has on her fashion company is some what beautiful, when I asked her 'What has been the best thing to happen to you now that you've become a designer?' she replied 'When the business had grown enough to enable my brother to come on board and look after the business side. It was a dream'. Her attitude seems very optimistic & very kind (from the few emails we have exchanged), this mental stance definitely comes out in her designs, making them lift your moods, rather than having a bit of chocolate when you're a bit down you would only have to put on one of her many dresses and feel uplifted. I really love her designs and believe she'll be everywhere in the near future so watch out. 9/10. B.x 
P.S Charlotte - Thank you so much for co-operating with me, it's been lovely. 

Thursday 10 November 2011

Starbucks - Worldwide.

As I tuck into the last few sips of my caramel crème frappucino, I'm overwhelmed by the feeling of...repulsion. Founded on March 30th 1971, Starbucks has been keeping us caffeinated for 40 years. First opened by three college grads starbucks started as a spin off from the renowned Peet's coffee & tea (Berkeley, CA), then bought by Howard Schultz in 1987. In my opinion I don't think people should be paying £3 for a cup of coffee when there are smaller café's around the corner selling quality stuff. I believe that the real reason people buy their coffee there is because of the sign. We've all seen films with someone drinking a soy macchiatos or something that doesn't even make sense.. But we all know that these drinks taste like shit, so I'm giving starbucks 3/10. It's crap. Peace. B.x

Tuesday 1 November 2011

A note for consumerism

I understand that what I usually write isn't particularly anti-consumerist and I never really intended to start writing about it. It makes everyday people feel guilty when they realise what they do every day, how much they spend, what they spend it on, their morals.etc. The devastating part of this is that most people feel as if there is nothing they can do, but there is. The Occupy Movement is something that's happening all over the world right now. You've probably heard from the media that it's full of lazy bum's, People just looking for a fight & Drunks, but I urge you to block it out. I've visited Occupy London (St.Pauls cathedral) and everything I could see and hear exuded passion and energy, speakers were giving out messages that have needed too be heard for many years, people from all different backgrounds/lifestyles were happy too work together. It was inspiring. Luckily it's not only in metropolitan cities but in smaller places as well. So never feel as though you can't do anything because you're not in London or Tokyo, there is always something too be done. Where ever you are, embrace the 99% and donate your time too supporting the revolution. B.x

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Fifty Fifty - 8 Park St, Bristol, BS1 5HR

Made by skaters for skaters - Fiftyfity has been open for 14 years giving young men a reason too like shopping. Mostly attracting students fiftyfifty's appeal is it's originality and it's own home-grown products unlike most skate stores*. It's not unusual in Bristol too walk past a skating event sponsored by fiftyfifty - These events are creating good publicity for young skaters. But most importantly - When I go into this store, I wish that clothes like these were made for women. Speaking of - when I asked one of the clerks they mentioned that there be a chance of some girls clothes in the store coming soon, but then again it wouldn't be the same store if any person could go in and buy something...
fiftyfifty gets 10/10 - it's rad. B.x
*thanks Jemima/Jed 

Saturday 22 October 2011

The Kooples - France - England - Spain -

This brand has been connecting urban street wear with smart fitted suits since 2008 shocking the fashion world. The Kooples is very much a family business, created by the Elicha brothers each having a view too create a brand that would appeal too couples. Luckily for them they already had a name in the fashion industry, when they worked with their parents on their project "Comptoir des Cotonniers". Creating a strong alliance between English and French fashion, mixing Rock'n'Roll with fitted suits - Revolutionising uni-sex clothes. The name came from the Idea of girls wearing their boyfriends clothes - when I went I wasn't sure what was for boys and what was girls, this gave me a vast variety of clothes too look through! I loved it! The impression I was given by the store clerks was very genuine and welcoming. I really enjoyed those clothes and I can't wait too buy something from there (when I'm rich and famous.etc.). I give the Kooples a Solid 9/10. Peace. B.x

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Restaurant/Coffee shop - Food for Thought - London -

Being Vegetarian and looking for somewhere that will do a decent meal at a low price can be quite hard at some points, but food for thought really makes the process easier. Opening in July 1974 in the heart of covent garden, it has gathered a rather large following including me. With a rotating menu and a vow to never be processed, microwaved or deep-frozen really gives other fast-food outlets/restaurants a run for their money. From my own personal experience there the food has always been mouth-watering. I really love Food for Thought and would recommend it to anyone, Vegetarian or meat-eater. The only thing I would warn you about is the killer queues. Food for Thought gets a 10/10. 
I mean it, check it out

Sunday 9 October 2011

Motel Rocks Store- Bristol&Various outlets world-wide.

Motel has become a rather well known brand in the past few years, well known for it's bodycon's and cut-out backs - it's definitely made it's name on the British high-street. Luckily for me I live just round the corner from Bristols very own motel store - so I can always see the latest on what high-street-hipsters are wearing. Whenever I go into a shop I am always optimistic about what I'll find, The staff's attitude & Their new line, but whenever I go into motel's Bristol store - I see the same thing I saw last time. Which is unfortunate because for the first time today I looked on their website to find an array of beautiful clothes I'd never seen before.

The motel store's staff are rather shabby if I'm quite honest, although I love the fact that they seem to be bestfriends it gave me the impression that I was intruding and made the whole shopping experience quite uncomfortable.

Store - 4/10

Website - 7/10  

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Swinkys sweets! - Swinky Sweets Ltd 20 Park Street Bristol BS1 5JA

Never failing to give me the sugar rush we so often need - Swinky's is the best way to liven up your moods when your feeling down. Bountiful Banoffee or one of their infamous Snudaes the food is always perfectly crafted with love and care. The colourful Window pieces lure you in with promises of luxury and delight - these promises are most defiantly filled to the top - and over flowing with cream! The staff are always so lovely and on the go (something to do with the sugar maybe..?) Although some people might say that the price of cupcakes in this shop are over-priced, but all I can see is the same price I see everywhere for cupcakes (it's what's in fashion in the desert world - if it were toast we'd be paying £2 for it! but it doesn't have the same ring...). Swinky's you get a swinkerific 8/10 

Friday 30 September 2011

U R B A N O U T F I T T E R S - Europe - North America - Canada - Australia.

I remember the first time I heard about this shop - It was pretty standard tbh - I saw some cool hipster wearing this pretty rad dress and being the person I am I went to ask where it was from - Urban outfitters was the answer. Anyhow, the important bit is about when I went there. EVERYTHING looked so cool! the people who worked there/the people who shopped there/the interior design - literally everything. Being naive (and 11) I picked clothes up and started trying them on - found something I liked, then looked at the price.

I think Urban Outfitters is overpriced and over-rated. Most of the clothes are flimsy and the only good thing there is the sale. Maybe I think that way because it's not my style.. 4/10  Their jewelry is cool.  

Tuesday 26 July 2011


I thought Promod would be a good shop to start with thats out of the country, and thats really because it gives sizes from most countries in europe - Which I think is pretty cool. Another thing we have to remember is that french fashion is TOTALLY different to British fashion, thus if you look on their website you may not see something and be utterly amazed. But when you look through I can garuntee you'll see something that will go with something in your wardrobe... it's somewhat reliable. I like this shop and would reccomend it to everyone visting the country. 7/10.

Monday 11 July 2011

Beyond Retro - Brighton - London - Stockholm - Göteborg

Whilst most vintage stores are just a one off in you're cities backstreets, but not Beyond retro. This vintage Superstore has seven locations across Europe which means that theres always a chance to check it out. With Celebrities going in left right and center - it's literally beckoning all star stalkers to take a peek as well. If I'm to be brutally honest, naturally, I have to point out the faults with all the shops I reveiw, What I find with Beyond Retro is that because it recieves so much attention it's prices are well above what I'm used to spending, but apart from that I really think that beyond retro has got a great thing going for them. 7/10

Sunday 10 July 2011

Asda - 523 locations in the U.K

Asda - The trusty supermarket with really nice clothes... Founded in 1965 in leeds then Wal-mart took over at some point after that. Let me get straight to the point, Asda is the second best supermarket in England (after sainbs). I've always been able to come out with some sort of bargin in the past year - which I LOVE, and the 'World foods' bit is the best. I'm always getting told that Wal-mart is some crazy monster whos racist and you have to know the Wal-mart tune to get an interveiw (mental.innit) but that doesn't put me off - I really really love the clothes in george and I'm pretty sure that me and mother dearest spent around £80> on clothes and food there (mostly clothes). I think that proves that Asda is one of the bestest supermarket chains EVER. 8/10

Thursday 7 July 2011

Tilly Kempf - Forbidden Planet - Units 4&5 Clifton Heights Bristol BS8 1EJ

Forbidden planet - Were you find men and women alike getting trapped in graphic novels or playing out the whole twilight books with little Bella & Edward figurines....
I've recently started running out of ideas of all the places I so I've been asking everyone I know for shops I could check out... So here it goes..
Myself, I'm a in-the-closet-nerd so if I ever get the chance-I will go in and a snoop. Although I've always thought that the price of everything in shops like forbidden planet is overpriced and only using the film that one of the flimsy bits of plastic may or may not have been in to sell at stupid prices..
all in all i give it a 6/10
Also - heres a shout out to Show it off - as Tills requested :)

Wednesday 6 July 2011

And Zita gave me - T O P S H O P - Pretty much any shopping vicinity near you...

Topshop has been seeping it's way into womens wardrobe for 47 years. Prettyy much every girl I know has splashed out on something in there, wether it be cute frilly knickers or a flimsy jumpsuit everyone wants a piece of the Topshop pie.
Personally I think it's overpriced and not worth it (mainly because I'm a shopping snob who hates the highstreet). I can definantly see it's appeal, with so many people in the celebrity spotlight wearing there "decent priced" trendy clothes makes everyone want to be wearing the same thing - It's exactly the same thing that happend to Reiss and Warehouse, as soon as Kmiddy started wearing their clothes it was the mecca for every 30-something wannabe princess....
Anyhow, I do find myself popping into topshop on occasion to check out whats in store for the season.
My score for Topshop is only - 4/10
Mostly because I think it's too expensive - and it confuses me when I walk out of H&M with bargins
Thats all, Peace

Friday 3 June 2011

Coffee Shop - Rosie's Deli Cafe 14e Market Row Brixton Market, SW9

I first heard about Rosies deli cafe from a well known fashion magazine which emphasized the fact that it was in Brixton this hip up-and-coming part of london, which kind of annoyed me because I've been hanging around there my whole life, especially when I NEED too get out of Bristol. Anywho I thought I'd give a chance, as I went in there were little delicacies stacked up on the shelves at stupid prices considering there's only room for one gerkin in each tub of whatever, but still I'm not there to buy pesto, I want a coffee. The staff were mediocre compared to the treatment I want and usually get which put me off, The coffee was nothing special... All I can say about Rosie's Deli is that, It's a Brilliant Light too shine on Brixton Market which helps the other markets gain the profits they need. 3/10. Not very impressed.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Seven store - 7 Park st. Avenue, Bristol, BS1 5LE

Seven7 has the the best reputation with all the youngsters of Bristol. Even if you don't own anything from there , you're bound too know about it. With their hip designs everyone can find something they like. All the t-shirts have wicked motifs which attaract all of us , from old skool rappers to some cool aztec design always at a decent price for all the effort that is put into it. The stylists own selection of trademark bomber jackets always have something unique about them, hand made with precision and care every one is a wardrobe masterpiece. Seriously check this place out. 10/10

Address :
seven park st. avenue
Map :

Monday 23 May 2011

Coffee shop!-Cafe Oophaga - 16 Trenchard st, Bristol,BS1 5AN

Cafe oophaga (or cafe O-O-phaga as mo likes to say it) has a delicious homemade menu that puts any starbucks Frappucino to complete shame! Luckily for me it's right on my door-step so I've always known it's there, but unlike me not everyone knows about the great taste of oophaga's homemade pistachio ice cream because of where it is situated. So I am begging you, dear reader, if you ever happen too be seeing a concert at the colston hall/O2 or grabbing a quick bite before you see a play at the hippodrome, DO NOT hesitate to pop in and grab some delish Vegan/Vegetarian/Meaty grub. 10/10.


Address: 16 Trenchard st, Bristol, BS1 5AN


Sunday 22 May 2011

19 Christmas steps, Bristol BS1 5BS - shOp

This little vintage Haven is tucked away in the backstreets of central Bristol, close too but not that close too broadmead(fortunatley). Wether you're looking for Neon knits or pretty prom dress - this is the place too be. Apart from their AMAZING stock at brilliant purse prices Jayne & Brett are quite possibly the most genuine shop owners I've ever met, with constant dedication too ShOp's members and giving us brilliant discounts (thankyou very much by the way!!) everyone is always welcomed with loving 'hello' that we all need:). Another thing that is brilliant about shOp, like everything else, is the £1 box. Most people might turn their noses up at an opportunity like this , but the £1 box at shOp is out-of-the-ordinary. The amount of times I've been complimented on my navy faux-leather bag is unbelivable!! Everyone seems too be so shocked by it's price and I would be too. I absolutley ADORE ShOp and I give it a 10/10. So I am begging all of you, if you happen too be bored /walking around/in town please go have a look in there before you even think about Topshop.



This is as new for me as it is for you .....

Dear all of you reading (if you are),
this is a blog, a blog about shops. Whatcha' read here is my honest description of the shops I step foot in. From everything too price to presentation , I'll be checking out shops around the U.K (apart from Primark & Tesco - I don't approve of those shops) and telling you how it goes down and if I get treated like a star or like shit. Thats it really.
Hope y'all like it