If you didn't know, I'm in my last year of school, which means that next year I'll be a real adult. Basically, I'm just waiting for the day that the education system spits me out like an old piece of Hubba Bubba that lost it's flavour. That said, I'm not just hanging around having a laugh like most people think teenagers do, because if you've already passed your teenage years, you'll know it's hell and that doesn't happen. First of all, you're given all this false independence. Parents start trick you into thinking that just because you get a bit more pocket money and they've lifted a curfew that you can do what you like when you like, which is just so far from the truth. For instance, my parents, are totally cool with most stuff but then when it comes to the near future it's suddenly ok for them to step in and make all my life decisions. The most frequent attempt to keep me on a leash for the rest of my life is, when I'm prevented from leaving the house before I complete some sort of tedious housework. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful when people cook me dinner, but it's not like I asked them to do it for me. But, the second and the most horrid thing about being a teenager is the phrase 'young adult'. Those 2 dreaded words make me die a little inside every time I hear someone use them. I mean, what do you even mean when you say 'young adult'? Not to mention the fact that adults only use it when they feel it necessary to patronise a group people below the age of 20. I personally, find it particularly insulting when I get branded as a young adult, because I did not wait for over a decade to be a 'cool hip young adult', I was waiting for the day that I would suddenly be like my edgy teenage sister who always got to do cool teenage stuff, not for the moment where I was a mature young adult who was setting a good example for future generations. Anyway, here's some cool stuff that might help you be really teen in your teen years...
Teenager for life. B.x
Teenager for life. B.x